Written by J. D. Lovrenciear
We had Bersih 1.0 and followed by Bersih 2.0. Now that we are at the doorstep of a mammoth Bersih 3.0, and yet the authorities are blind to the signs on the wall; they have clearly refused to understand the change that is transforming the nation.
When you resist change, change will walk over you. That is the basic tenant you learn in business schools and in political science.
The very political party coalition - BN, that all through the Mahathir-regime proclaimed incessantly about "paradigm shift" is now adamant in the face of tides of social change.
The very current BN-led government that only recently blared about "tranformasi" is suddenly going reverse-gear at high speed.
There is only one explanation. That is, BN is under attack. Despite dishing out all kinds of cash donations to the rakyat; despite launching all kinds of agro-based projects from cows to 'kambings', BN is fearing its own shadows.
Despite so many and incessant "feel good" stories about BN being painted in the main stream media everyday, and the way the BN leaders are being supported by huge crowds at every meet-the-people sessions, why is BN fearing the rakyat now?
That then explains why all the hurdles and conflicting statements against Bersih 3.0 are coming from BN-quarters and patronisers of BN masters. That also explains why all kinds of spanners are being thrown into the works to frustrate Bersih 3.0.
Insecure BN
If BN is the preferred and blue-chip political party for the majority, no body is going to walk the streets or sit-in onpadangs on 28 April. If BN is the heavenly sent protector and savior of Malaysia, nobody is going to even talk about Bersih 3.0.
People are not fools. But BN and their leaders always think the rakyat are short of common sense. They always think that the rakyat are gullible fools. They can only look at the rakyat with little respect for the people's IQ and EQ.
And so, by denying Bersih 3.0 the Dataran Merdeka or Freedom Square and dictating all sorts of stumbling terms, they expect the rakyat to curl their tails behind their butts and stay home.
The people will always win - look at history
BN must realize that there is no nation in the world, no political party in the world, no battalion in the world, no single leader in the world who succeeded in going against or thwarting the citizens' final decision that enough is enough.
So why does the BN continue to frustrate the rakyat's Bersih 3.0 for a peaceful sit-in? Does it not realize that by making it difficult for the rakyat, only more citizens will now want to join the expression of people-power?
Well BN must learn and learn fast. If that is the price it wants to pay, then it pays. But if it wants to get wiser, it should just count on all the "feel good" stories reported in the main stream media everyday about BN's great success stories, sit back and sip juice and chew almonds. What is there to worry lah?
Remember BN masters - your enemies are not the citizens of this land. Your enemies are your own people within your walls who are cheating, stealing, corrupt to the core. Get rid of them first and the rakyat will have Sudah-Bersih 4.0 for BN.
Source: Malaysia Chronicle
Jarumemas: The oppositions too don,t forget, the rakyat is judging you too. The demonstrations that you are doing (and did) will make the rakyat suffer and their grievances do you hear too? Their daily activities will be hindered since the demonstrations you insisted to be in Dataran Merdeka. The roads will be jammed, rakyat cannot go to work, children have to absent themselves from schools since they are stucked in the jam. Businesses facing loses. Damages in terms of physically and spiritually will dafenitely happen. Don't blame the authorities since the damages happened due to you, oppositions!!!