Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Pemimpin-pemimpin Pas bersama-sama dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam majlis ceramah di Kota Bharu, baru-baru ini.
APABILA satu demi satu kontroversi dan masalah melanda Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), mereka berasa beruntung apabila Pas muncul menjadi pembela setia mereka.

Berbanding DAP yang lebih kerap berdiam diri dalam memberi sebarang ulasan terhadap isu melibatkan pemimpin PKR, pemimpin Pas jauh lebih taksub mempertahankan rakan sekutunya.

Baru-baru ini, Setiausaha Agung Pas, Datuk Mustafa Ali menegaskan, parti itu akan tetap bersama Penasihat PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 nanti.

Ia bermakna apa kontroversi yang dicetuskan oleh Anwar termasuk menyokong sebarang usaha melindungi keselamatan negara Israel, Pas tetap akan bersama Anwar.

Sumber: Utusan Malaysia

Jarumemas: Lihatlah gambar Anwar dalam artikel ini,  pelbagai persepsi yang boleh dibuat. Pada Jarumemas, macam singa lapar nak telan orang.  Yang hairannya, masih ada yang bermati-matian nak hidupkan dia.


The chicken have come home to roost, baby. It shows finally that poster-boy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is a maestro only when it comes to mouthing political nothings.

Yes, the man who got a 69% approval rating by way of a survey that asked very open-ended and impractical questionnaires.

But here’s the thing: notice how Najib is detaching himself from Umno. It’s a behaviour that isn’t at odds with his real political self actually.

Najb is a natural when looking out for himself first while those besides him will be left to slug it out among themselves. As long as his position and interest are preserved, he doesn’t care what’s happening to the political party claiming to look out for the interests of Malays.

He is what he really is – a hustler trying to sell snake oil politics to what he thought is a gullible and easily mesmerised society.

He has learnt that people are less enamoured with poster boy image and are actually looking for substance.

Hence as Daim Zainuddin once said “the age where you think you can just pay your way through is over” and the statement by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah that the “PM will not do anything new because I know this boy” are finally sinking into the minds of right-thinking Malaysians.

Those who aren’t thinking rightly include those highly paid civil servants who continue maniacally preaching that Malays will be finished if Umno goes.

Read more....

Jarumemas:  UMNO has to do the rebuttle.


In the end it was an exercise in futility. A return match is looming: the government versus the people. All the discussions about cleaning up the electoral roll were wisps of smoke that disappeared under a cloud of distrust and resentment. The final report was bulldozed through in Parliament without even a squeak of a debate. In an unkind cut, the Speaker chose to ignore the legitimate voice of the elected representatives. It was unparliamentary behaviour. It lends credence to the strong belief that the Speaker acted on the orders of his political masters.
The realisation has dawned that the only way to bring the recalcitrant government to its senses is to fire up again a mass movement. When people march on the streets or sit down, the message cannot go unnoticed. The heat generated is enough to cause sweat to break out on the faces of strongmen and sent them reeling in fear. In many countries the hated governments were sent tumbling down on the strength of street protests. Malaysia too had witnessed a surge of popular protests but harsh crackdown had snuffed out the light of hope. The emboldened rulers continued to grow more imperious with the passage of time.
The return bout is set to take place in a popular, historic arena. It was here, more than 50 years ago, that the clock struck for independence, bringing the curtain down on colonial rule. Today, another historic event is in the making as thousands will gather on the same spot to shout their lungs out for freedom: freedom from corruption, freedom from dirty politics, freedom from deceit. It is a sad commentary on the country that the cry for liberty – and justice – is still deafeningly ringing half a century later.
Jarumemas:  We were colonised for 430 years and for over 50 years we were united as one nation. The outside world are now looking at us waiting for the suitable time to srtike and if possible to conquer our country since we have a lot of things to offer. The question is, do we want our beloved country to be colonised again and all sources taken away from our country just like the British, Dutch and Portuguese did? Do we have to just forgo ang forget how hard our ancestors and leaders  (the Malays, Chinese and the Indians) fought for our independence? Please, do not do this to Malaysia. If we ourselves refuse to respect our peace, harmony and stability, then do not expect the outsiders and foreignors to do so. Come on Malaysians, we have our own Parliament and Constitutions that should be respected. You have chosen your leaders and they  should be given the chance to lead this country and if you want to change todays govenment then wait for the elections. You don't have to demonstrate because this will reflect our ownselves and further damages will happen which would cause losses to our own country.


Pagi tadi Jarumemas ke sebuah klinik kesihatan atas tujuan pemeriksaan berkala. Semasa menunggu panggilan untuk masuk ke bilik pemeriksaan, Jarumemas terdengar rungutan dua orang pesakit yang sedang menunggu memperkatakan terntang tindakan pakatan pembangkang yang mahu memansuhkan PTPTN. Mereka menyifatkan pembangkang sebagai tidak berhati perut, 'sengal' kerana jika dimansuhkan PTPTN, pelajar-pelajar yang akan datang tidak akan mendapat  pinjaman ini. Di mana mereka hendak mendapatkan wang pembiayaan untuk belajar di IPT kelak. Malah, salah seorang mereka berkata, adik beliau terpaksa membelanjakan duit sendiri untuk membeli buku dan lain-lain bahan pengajian sementara menunggu PTPTN nya diluluskan. Pada cuti semester nanti, adik beliau berhasrat untuk bekerja bagi mendapatkan wang.  Jadi, bayangkan kalau PTPTN dimansuhkan pembangkang, ke mana anak0anak Melayu kita hendak mengadu? Kepada pembangkang? Akan ada pelbagai alasan, sebab dah janji nak dimasuhkan tanpa memikirkan kesan yang menunggu. Nak minta dengan BN, kerajaan BN dah tak ada kuasa.

Pembangkang memang pandai menanam tebu di tepi bibir. Anak Melayu yang sentiasa hayal mengikut telunjuk pembangkang akan termakan dengan janji-janji pembangkang. Bangsa asing tak apalah mak bapak, atuk nenek dia banyak duit. Berapa kerat orang Melayu yang kaya. Belum tentu mereka ini nak bantu menaja anak-anak Melayu miskin. Bangsa lain, jangan haraplah. Mereka lebih suka melihat anak-anak Melayu terus layu dan hidup melarat di tanah air sendiri. Jangan harap kau orang akan dapat bantuan seperti mana yang diberikan oleh kerajaan BN kepada anak-anak India dan Cina, yang sentiasa mengancam macam-macam kepada kerajaan jika tidak diberi pinjaman mahupun biasiswa. Dah tu nak pergi belajar ke luar negara, dalam negara 'apa kelas!'.

Jarumemas benar-benar rasa terkilan dengan sikap mereka yang hanya berpura-pura menyokong kerajaan. Percayalah, kalau  kerajaan BN kalah PRU13, awal-awal lagi mereka melompat kepada pembangkang dan bersetuju seratus peratus dengan tindakan pembangkang. Orang Melayulah yang akan terkial-kial untuk bangun, tapi apakan daya, dihenyak lagi ada.

Jarumemas bukan rasis, tapi lihat pada sejarah!! Ayuh! bangun orang Melayu dan bumiputera! Petahankan hak kita jangan sampai jadi macam Pak Kaduk, ayam menang kampung tergadai!!


KUALA LUMPUR, 10 April — Lebih 400,000 pengundi meragukan dalam daftar pengundi mampu untuk mengubah 35 kerusi bagi menentukan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menawan Putrajaya atau Barisan Nasional (BN) kembali memperolehi dua pertiga majoriti di Parlimen, kata penganalisis politik tanah air.

Penganalisis bebas Ong Kian Ming berkata Projek Analisis Daftar Pengundi Malaysia (Merap) yang dijalankannya mendapati terdapat kira-kira 100,000 ribu nama bermasalah dan digabungkan dengan beberapa isu sebelum ini akan “menjadi 400,000 pengundi meragukan”.

Membersihkan daftar penfundi adalah tuntutan utama pembangkang. Dan kumpulan aktivis walaupun BN menegaskan kemenangan PR di lima negeri membuktikan tidak berlaku sebarang keraguan terhadap daftar berkenaan.

Jarumemas: Ada saja yang masih tak kena dengan daftar pengundi. SPR kena buktikan sejelas-jelasnya dan tangkis dakwaan ini.