Friday, 20 July 2012

A Merdeka slogan that divides the nation

VOXPOP 'It should be a celebration of the nation's independence, not an opportunity to brag about what the ruling regime has achieved.' Rais: Nothing wrong with BN slogan for Merdeka Day vox populi small thumbnailCaripasal: There are Malaysians who disagree with the BN election slogan that they had delivered their promises. The theme of Merdeka Day ought to be something that is accepted by all Malaysians without any dispute. Using a controversial theme will stop Malaysians from celebrating National Day, thus defeating the spirit of this supposedly 'grand' event. Lim Chong Leong: Information Minister Rais Yatim, it is not okay for Umno to use Merdeka Day for its own campaign. Just like the Inland Revenue Department is not Umno's personal bank account or the police its own security guard. And the Prime Minister's Office is not PM Najib Razak's private secretary. Read more... Jarumemas: A slogan is to boost the morale of the nation and to inspire spirit among the people.

Perhaps not a dictator, but clearly an autocrat

OMMENT So, is anyone going to provide proof, like what former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad demands that he is a dictator? For my part in my Malaysiakini pieces, I have (sometimes) drawn interested readers to the fact that the rhetoric of the opposition often times is in conflict with the banality of the everyday reality of the systemic racial or religious discrimination that (and here is the important part) we, had a hand in creating. The unbearable truth is, it's not about you but us. Read more.... Jarumemas: But he was a nation builder that brought Malaysia to modernisation in every aspects. He who created many Malaysians richer and richer every year. Thank you Tun!!