Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Nurul denies misleading Lembah Pantai voters

(Free Malaysia Today) - Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah has rubbished allegations that she had deliberately misled voters by sending out letters to them saying that they were struck off the voter roll when they are still voters.
“Yes, I sent out about 1,000 letters last weekend to people who were past voters in Lembah Pantai but the names are missing from the 2011 third-quarter voter roll. They may have been shifted out of the constituency. This was a notification and to also clarify with them if they have really moved out or not,” she told FMT.
Nurul, who is a PKR vice-president, said that “ignorant Umno members” have claimed that she had also sent letters to dead people in a ploy to seek more support for Bersih 3.0.
“If Umno wants to challenge me, go ahead. I’m not the one with all the answers… the Election Commission (EC) does not make all the details known,” said Nurul, who will be holding a press conference tomorrow.
On the allegation that some voters were still found on the EC website although they received the letters, she said: “It’s because their names are not in the third-quarter 2011 voter roll. This just shows how dubious the electoral roll is.”
“I stand by my claim. I have done nothing against the law. I have never hidden the fact that it was released by my office. Why do we need to verify all this [information] ourselves? Because the EC is incompetent and has failed in its duties; it can’t update [the voter roll], so we have to do the job [for EC].
“It’s really ridiculous that Umno is now making slanderous statements about me. It should stop and check its data first.
“Umno is consistently trying to tarnish my name and block my efforts to disclose the flaws in the electoral roll. Why is that so?”
Asked if she would take legal action against Umno, Nurul said she would consult her lawyers to take the necessary action.
She also said her research has revealed that 4,100 names in her constituency have been removed and many remained dubious.

Jarumemas: So far what has Nurul Izzah did for her constituency? The only thing she does is finding faults in BN.  Lembah Pantai has already developed, so she has nothing to do anything. 

Pembangkang ibarat manusia kelemasan

JIKA seorang peguam bela tiada lagi hujah bernas bagi menyelamatkan anak guamnya, maka dia akan mula mencari pelbagai alasan dan pembelaan yang direka-reka asalkan logik diterima akal. Begitulah situasi yang menimpa pihak parti pembangkang di negara ini.

Selepas berjaya membuatkan Ketua Pergerakan Wanita UMNO, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil tidak menyambung menjadi senator seterusnya tidak lagi menjadi menteri, kini mereka bergelut dengan idea untuk menjahanamkan ekonomi negara dengan idea menghapuskan pinjaman Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN). Semuanya kerana idea hendak memerintah negara bak kata orang Perak, biar papa asal bergaya.

Sikap bercakap ikut sedap mulut ini dalam kalangan pembangkang langsung tidak boleh diterima akal. Idea untuk menghapuskan PTPTN adalah idea manusia berpenyakit kronik yang perlu diubati dengan menolak mereka di Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 selama-lamanya dari arena politik negara.

Sumber: Utusan Malaysia

Jarumemas:  Pembangkang tak ubah macam orang tua nyanyuk. Melalut dan melatah bila digeletek oleh mereka yang ada niat tersirat. Pembangkang terutamanya pemimpin Melayu dalam PKR dan Pas lupa bahawa ada dalam kalangan mereka yang sedang menepuk tangan mengiringi tarian pemimpin  PKR dan Pas yang masih melalut tak tentu hala tuju. Bila tersungkur jangan harap kawan seperjuangan nak tolong angkat. Kalau boleh bangkit sendiri tak apa lagi, tapi kalau terus rebah? Matilah di situ. Renung-renungkanlah....

Ban on Dataran Merdeka: Insecure BN fearful of the 'freedom' word

Written by  J. D. Lovrenciear

We had Bersih 1.0 and followed by Bersih 2.0. Now that we are at the doorstep of a mammoth Bersih 3.0, and yet the authorities are blind to the signs on the wall; they have clearly refused to understand the change that is transforming the nation.
When you resist change, change will walk over you. That is the basic tenant you learn in business schools and in political science.
The very political party coalition - BN, that all through the Mahathir-regime proclaimed incessantly about "paradigm shift" is now adamant in the face of tides of social change.
The very current BN-led government that only recently blared about "tranformasi" is suddenly going reverse-gear at high speed.
There is only one explanation. That is, BN is under attack. Despite dishing out all kinds of cash donations to the rakyat; despite launching all kinds of agro-based projects from cows to 'kambings', BN is fearing its own shadows.
Despite so many and incessant "feel good" stories about BN being painted in the main stream media everyday, and the way the BN leaders are being supported by huge crowds at every meet-the-people sessions, why is BN fearing the rakyat now?
That then explains why all the hurdles and conflicting statements against Bersih 3.0 are coming from BN-quarters and patronisers of BN masters. That also explains why all kinds of spanners are being thrown into the works to frustrate Bersih 3.0.
Insecure BN
If BN is the preferred and blue-chip political party for the majority, no body is going to walk the streets or sit-in onpadangs on 28 April. If BN is the heavenly sent protector and savior of Malaysia, nobody is going to even talk about Bersih 3.0.
People are not fools. But BN and their leaders always think the rakyat are short of common sense. They always think that the rakyat are gullible fools. They can only look at the rakyat with little respect for the people's IQ and EQ.
And so, by denying Bersih 3.0 the Dataran Merdeka or Freedom Square and dictating all sorts of stumbling terms, they expect the rakyat to curl their tails behind their butts and stay home.
The people will always win - look at history
BN must realize that there is no nation in the world, no political party in the world, no battalion in the world, no single leader in the world who succeeded in going against or thwarting the citizens' final decision that enough is enough.
So why does the BN continue to frustrate the rakyat's Bersih 3.0 for a peaceful sit-in? Does it not realize that by making it difficult for the rakyat, only more citizens will now want to join the expression of people-power?
Well BN must learn and learn fast. If that is the price it wants to pay, then it pays. But if it wants to get wiser, it should just count on all the "feel good" stories reported in the main stream media everyday about BN's great success stories, sit back and sip juice and chew almonds. What is there to worry lah?
Remember BN masters - your enemies are not the citizens of this land. Your enemies are your own people within your walls who are cheating, stealing, corrupt to the core. Get rid of them first and the rakyat will have Sudah-Bersih 4.0 for BN.

Source: Malaysia Chronicle

Jarumemas: The oppositions too don,t  forget, the rakyat is judging you too. The demonstrations that you are doing (and did) will make the rakyat suffer and their grievances do you hear too? Their daily activities will be hindered since the demonstrations you insisted to be in Dataran Merdeka. The roads will be jammed, rakyat cannot go to work, children have to absent themselves from schools since they are stucked in the jam. Businesses facing loses. Damages in terms of physically and spiritually will dafenitely happen. Don't blame the authorities since the damages happened due to you, oppositions!!!

Bila lagi hendak tunai janji manifesto PR Selangor 2008?

Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat memang terkenal dengan janji-janji manis sehingga sanggup menjanjikan apa sahaja asalkan mendapat undi daripada Rakyat. Perkara ini terbukti bukan sahaja sekarang ini malah sejak dahulu lagi.
Bukti paling nyata adalah manifesto Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Selangor pada PRU 2008 sebelum ini. Jika janji yang termaktub dalam manifesto pun boleh dimungkiri, inikan pula janji mulut manis pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang tidak pernah jujur.
Pada Pilihanraya Umum 2008, Pihak PKR dan PAS telah berjanji akan mengurangkan cukai pintu rumah kediaman sebanyak 20% dan cukai premis komersial sebanyak 10%.
Perkara ini bukan hanya dijaja di ceramah-ceramah mereka malah dicetak sebagai salah satu manifesto janji mereka jika berjaya mentadbir Negeri Selangor. Hasil dari penipuan dan janji palsu ini, mereka berjaya memerintah negeri Selangor.
Alhamdulillah, rakyat Selangor tidak perlukan masa yang lama untuk melihat penipuan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat satu demi satu. Pelbagai kepincangan berlaku dan pemimpin ketiga-tiga parti ini mengaku bersama dalam semua hal, hakikatnya, mereka ini seperti tidur sebantal tetapi mimpi lain-lain.
Seawal sebulan selepas Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Selangor, MB Kahlid Ibrahim membuat pengumuman bahawa janji untuk menurunkan cukai pintu kediaman dan cukai premis komersial tidak dapat dilaksanakan.
Belum pun sampai sebulan memerintah, janji manifesto terpaksa ditarik balik. Inilah namanya pemimpin yang hanya berjanji untuk meraih undi tanpa mengira hakikat sebenar ekonomi.
Sehingga sekarang, janji pakatan untuk menurunkan cukai pintu kediaman dan premis komersial masih belum terlaksana. Jikapun ada nada pengumuman yang dibuat menjelang Pilihanraya nanti, sedarlah rakyat Selangor, ini hanyalah janji-janji palsu untuk meraih undi rakyat Selangor semata-mata.
Jarumemas: Janji kepada rakyat perlu ditunaikan kalau pembangkang mahu terus beraja di mata bersultan di hati. Kalau dah tak mampu nak memenuhi janji yang dibuat, rakyat perlu buka mata besar-besar, jangan lagi pangkah pembangkang yang gagal membela nasib rakyat. Biarkan para penyokong pembangkang jadi Si Luncai yang terjun dengan labu-labunya....

Kerajaan tak sekat Bersih3.0...Stadium Bukit Jalil ditawar...Ambiga nak bullshit apa lagi

Senang cakap bos Bersih Datuk Ambiga tak payah nak bullshit panjang-panjang.Berterus terang cakap mereka sengaja nak cari sebab untuk berkonfrantasi dengan kerajaan pada Sabtu ini menerusi Bersih 3.0.
Bodoh dan bahlul sangat bagi siapa saja yang tidak dapat meneka nawaitu tersirat mereka bila melihat segala rentetan kepada rancangan mengadakan himpunan yang kononnya untuk menuntut pilihanraya bersih dan adil.
Ini jelas terpancar bila puak ini berdegil nak 'langgar' juga Dataran Merdeka sekalipun Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) bertegas tidak izin tempat bersejarah itu digunakan untuk tujuan berkenaan.
Sebelum ini semua orang lihat bagaimana mereka ketepikan begitu sahaja segala rumusan Jawatankuasa Khas Parlimen (PSC) Menambahbaik Proses Pilihanraya yang mereka sendiri ada wakil.
Banyak masa dan wang ringgit terbuang begitu sahaja untuknya.
Suasananya dijadikan seolah tidak ada satu pun yang kena di kaca mata mereka selagi mereka tidak dapat bertenggek di Putrajaya.
Mereka sekarang merasa seolah boleh berbuat apa saja di negara ini - tak peduli samaada langgar undang-undang atau tidak.
Tambah terserlah lagi Sabtu bila Pengerusi Perbadanan Stadium Malaysia,Datuk Jamil Salleh  membuat kenyataan rasmi menawarkan Stadium Bukit Jalil sebagai lokasi himpunan itu.
Stadium itu di dalam dan kawasan sekitarnya senang-senang boleh menampung lebih 150,000 orang tanpa mencetuskan kesesakan lalulintas dan suasana kecoh di tengah pusat bandar.
Sumber: Agendadaily
Jarumemas: Memang itulah niat mereka sebenarnya. Tindakan mereka itu bukan sahaja akan menusahkan orang ramai yang mahu berurusan di ibu kota, malah para peniaga juga akan turut mengalami kerugian.  Semasa perhimpunan Bersih 2 dulu, ramai peniaga yang merungut kerana perniagaan harian mereka terjejas.  Ada ke mereka bayar ganti rugi kepada para peniaga? 

DAP: DPM using ‘selective’ statistics on Malaysian education

KUALA LUMPUR, April 24 – Lim Guan Eng today accused Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin of “cherry-picking” favourable statistics from selected studies to dupe Malaysians into trusting the quality of the country’s education system.
The DAP secretary-general, in a statement today, pointed Muhyiddin to numerous other international studies, which he said have repeatedly painted Malaysia’s education system in a bad light, even ranking it below many countries within the ASEAN region.
“The truth is that the reality of our education is far from the rosy picture that Muhyiddin is painting.
“Data and statistics from world renowned international reports have shown time and time again that there is a crisis in Malaysian education.
“In fact, Malaysians do not even require a report to tell them that there is a dire problem with our education system that produces unemployable graduates who are unable to think critically,” Lim complained.

Jarumemas: Nothing will stop the oppositions from commenting whatever programme or projects done by the government. They always use foreign reports and data to condemn  the Malaysian's system of education. 

SPR cetak 5,000 naskah buku tepis dakwaan pembangkang

PUTRAJAYA, 24 April — Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR)  telah mencetak 5,000 naskah buku yang menjawab segala dakwaan pembangkang ekoran mereka kerap  mempertikaikan kredibiliti sistem daftar pemilih.

Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, ketika sidang media pelancaran buku tersebut berkata, pihaknya berharap segala dakwaan pembangkang itu dapat dijawab dengan penghasilan buku berkenaan.
Buku yang menggunakan bahasa Melayu sepenuhnya ini sudah dicetak sekitar 5,000 naskah, dengan versi berbahasa Inggeris masih lagi berada di dalam proses percetakan.
“SPR telah mencetak 5,000 naskah versi bahasa Melayu. Untuk versi berbahasa Inggeris masih lagi dalam proses,” katanya dan menambah, kos setiap naskah berkenaan dianggarkan berharga RM4.
Tambah Abdul Aziz, sejak laporan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen (PSC) berkenaan penambahbaikan pilihan raya membentangkan laporan mereka, pihaknya menerima pelbagai reaksi berkenaan daftar pemilih yang menurutnya, kebanyakan daripada reaksi dan dakwaan itu adalah tidak tepat.

Jarumemas: Masih skeptikal dengan sikap pembangkang. Rasanya mereka tetap menolak apa sahaja  yang SPR lakukan selagi mereka tidak berjaya memerintah negara ini. 

One rural vote worth six urban ballots, favours BN, analysts say

PETALING JAYA, April 25 — The Election Commission’s (EC) drawing of electoral boundaries makes a rural voter worth an average of six urban voters, biasing elections towards Barisan Nasional (BN) as it is stronger in the countryside, according to poll analysts.
Election watchdog Tindak Malaysia founder PY Wong said the ruling coalition won 112 out of the smallest 139 federal seats in Election 2008, giving it simple majority in Parliament with just 18.9 per cent of the popular vote. The seats have not been changed for the next general election.
“Something is seriously wrong when you can win 50.4 per cent of Parliament with just 18.9 per cent of the votes,” he told a forum here last night.
Wong said malapportionment — unequally-sized constituencies — and gerrymandering — manipulation of electoral boundaries — also allowed the ruling coalition to rack up 62 of the smallest seats with just 6.2 per cent of the popular vote.
Another analyst, Wong Chin Huat, pointed out that the smallest 112 seats only represented 33.8 per cent of the electorate.
The Bersih steering committee member said this allowed for the lopsided results in 2004, where BN won 90.9 per cent of Parliament with just 63.9 per cent of the popular vote, while Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was PKR’s sole MP despite gaining 8.4 per cent of votes cast.
“This means one vote for BN was worth 26 votes for PKR,” he said.

Jarumemas: Has been voting since at the age of 21 without fail, even though at one time I was working in Sabah in 1999. No one sponsored my flight ticket. Even, when I was in Johor Bahru, I drove up together with my parents to vote in Seremban and again no petrol or toll fare were paid by any politicians. Nowadays, voters are given cash just asking them to come back to vote at their hometown. Since voting is voter's duty, their responsibility is to vote wherever their voting stations are. They should not be paid.